Wolf Ridge Students and Families,
We are excited to begin the 2020-2021 school year with some special events to ensure everyone is ready to learn whether online or in-person. Please mark your calendar with the following important dates. More information about specific events will be sent out soon. Our schoolwide theme this year is all about SWEETS! "Whether online or in-person, it's SWEET to learn with you."
Our school day at Wolf Ridge for in-person instruction during IL Phase 4 will be from 8:10-2:10. Students will be allowed into the building at 7:30am and served a grab-and-go breakfast. There will be a remote learning option for those with health/safety concerns. That being said, we are working hard to prepare our building and revising our procedures to help prevent the spread of germs in our school and among our students. If you have any questions/concerns specific to your child, please contact Principal Ronen via email at sronen@bhcusd.org.