Bus A1,B1 and C1 are Monday Tuesday routes
Bus A2,B2 and C2 are Thursday Friday routes
All of the routes are slightly different than last year. All routes will start about 15 minutes earlier than last year. If you are in doubt about which bus route your student is on you can look on Teacher Ease and see it there. These are different days and lots of changes so please be flexible and patient for the first week please.
ROUTE A: Will not change much for the regular route from last year other than running earlier. However this route will also pick up students on Melville, Mansholt and route 159 from Mansholt to Bunker Hill. We are hoping that those students on those roads will have a pickup time around 7:15-7:20 starting at Melville.
ROUTE B: This route has changed the most and will include students from the Royal Lakes area this year. The bus should be in Woodburn by about 6:25 which is about 20-25 minutes earlier than last year. So everyone that was on that route last year should plan on being ready 25 minutes earlier this year. The bus should be in the Royal Lakes area by 7:15-7:20.
ROUTE C: This route will run earlier than last year as well, about 25 minutes earlier. It doesn't change for students that rode this last year other than being earlier. However the students living between Woodburn and Bunker Hill will be getting on this bus instead of Bus B. Those students should plan on being ready by 7:15-7:20.